Professional advice, professional results

Have you always wanted to learn to sew, but didn’t know how to get started? Would you love to have an instructor available to help you on your time schedule? I would love to help you learn the Beginner Basics. Grab the FREE starter guide and let’s get started!


Do you want to learn how to sew? Or maybe improve your sewing skills?

I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!


Do you have trouble knowing how to get started, how to set up your sewing area, and the tools you will need?


Customizing your wardrobe or even basic tailoring for a better fit is so important. When purchasing your outfit, adjustments will be needed for the properfit.


If you have a few sewing skills, but need help learning some of the basics, or you have never sewn before, START here with Beginner Basics. GRAB the FREE starter guide and get on the waiting list for the Beginner Basics class!

Hi, I’m Joni, and I want to help you learn professional sewing tips and technics.

Do you struggle to find clothes that fit your shape? Do you wish you could do some simple tailoring to make them fit better? I will help you learn beginning sewing techniques to tailor your clothes to fit your curves.

There is currently a waiting list for the next class. Grab your FREE starter guide and I will save your spot.

GRAB the FREE starter guide